Buy your brewing supplies here

We now have a range of base and specialty malts for sale. A catalog and new website is coming soon. Let us know what you need and we will sell it to you or special order it for you. Please bear with us during this initial stage and we will have the full service shop available in no time.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Nuts, Beer, and Eating Local

We are excited to report that our black walnut tree has outdone itself this year.  Last couple of years it produced a few dozen nuts, but this year it was literally bent with fruit.  Our friend Marika used some of them in a local foods dinner party last weekend in and on a wonderful freshly made ravioli.  From what we hear it wasn't trivial getting the flesh of the nut out.  That should get a little better as they age.

But let me step back and talk about the bigger picture and further explain the dinner that Marika put together.  We were invited and asked to provide local components and homebrew for a dinner she was planning.  She scoped out the ingredients that came available to her along with the homebrews several of us had ready to serve, and created a set of courses for a meal taking the beer and ingredients in consideration to make a positive matching.  From our garden/farm we provided basil, okra, garlic, walnuts, sun dried tomatoes and from the home brewery we provided an extra bitter pale ale (September Morn Pale Ale) and the wet hopped brew we made at our harvest party (Second Coming Fresh Hopped Ale).  I can't even begin to do justice to how wonderful it all was, especially the success of the pairings.  Sixteen if us sat down to enjoy 5 or 6 courses (I lost track), each served with a homebrew made by one of us.  It was a magical time and a great example of what can be done with local foods.  (photo courtesy of Dan Reedy)

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