We have decided to augment our hops operations with a small store front that will sell brewing supplies. We will focus on all-grain brewing supplies and equipment. To our knowledge the closest "full service" brew shop is in St. Louis, 123 miles from Carbondale. According to experience and reconnaissance, most brewers in the area order from internet supplies. I too have done this for most of my needs in the past. However, there is real benefit (and fun) in being able to think up a recipe Friday night (over a homebrew), pop in the brew shop Saturday morning and brew it that afternoon. Wouldn't it even be nice to be able to grab that specialty yeast strain you need as well, rather than settling for Muntons dried packs? Wouldn't it also be nice to smell and taste different malts prior to committing to a 50 lbs sack via the internet? If you get a batch of hops that just don't look or smell right, wouldn't it be nice to swing by the shop and say, " Hey, does this smell right to you?"?
We will have limited hours, but our aim is to supply southern Illinois with what is needed for home brewing in the area to grow. Plus, we think it will just be way cool to drive by the hopyard on the way to the brew shop to pick up a mix of local and sourced supplies to make the most local beer possible. We hope to have an area to host seminars and courses on brewing, tastings, and maybe a focal point to foster home brew clubs.
We are in the process of planning the store, building and inventory. Brewers: If there are particular types of ingredients or equipment you would like to see stocked please let us know by posting comments here or by sending us an email (windyhillhops@gmail.com). We will even take pre-orders for those interested. If you send us suggestions for items to stock we will give a 20% discount on your first purchases. We will post details of progress and opening dates here.
Oh, where do I begin ...
ReplyDeleteThis is great news. You have at least one customer. I'm brewing tonight and had to order my supplies on-line of course. Bulk grains would be nice, US-05 safale yeast is a must, different hop varieties, etc.
ReplyDeleteChris W
I left the Big Muddy festival before buying a t shirt, can I order one online?