While a slightly different shape, the new building fills quite similarly the space that was occupied by the old barn. I hope the old silo approves of this new friend that is being installed. Now we just have to figure out something interesting to do with the silo.

It is going to be fun setting up the brew shop. I might miss my quaint little spot in the basement where I currently fill orders, but I am sure I will adjust quickly. Right now we have over a thousand pounds of malt spread out in two rooms in two floors of our house. I am looking forward to having everything together and accessible in the new shop. We will have it set up so customers can see, feel, smell and taste all of the malts. Further, we will have it where customers can buy a whole sack or 2 oz; none of this buying in only 1#, 5# and 10# increments.
It is a little scary making the investment, but we are trying to maintain a build it and they will come attitude. If the malting goes well we will be a shop where to can walk in and purchase hops and malt grown on site, as well as the best of hop and malt products from around the world, ...we just hope they come.
I will certainly be there whenever you all get opened up. I have actually been meaning to order some stuff to brew up a batch of Kolsch, but have not gotten around to it. Hopefully soon.