Buy your brewing supplies here

We now have a range of base and specialty malts for sale. A catalog and new website is coming soon. Let us know what you need and we will sell it to you or special order it for you. Please bear with us during this initial stage and we will have the full service shop available in no time.

Friday, March 19, 2010

the Thaw is in...

I have gone from fearing that the planting season will never arrive to worrying that we are behind the curve, all in about a week.  Things are starting to get green and the ground is drying up....I think it is prime plowing and planting time.  Time to decide how to plow and get my hop rhizomes lined up.  Need to build the trellis system, check the soil pH, work some lama poop into the soil...and have a beer in the sun.

One interesting thing I have noticed is that there is significant movement amongst the better brewers to produce beer with locally (to them) sourced barley and hops.  I have recently purchased and sampled "estate" grown brews from Rouge Brewery and Sierra Nevada.  I will report further on these shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday's warm weather pulled us outside, digging in the dirt. It also made us wonder if Windy Hill was becoming a farm yet. I'm glad to hear that it is at least happening mentally.
